Cunnamulla Outback Masters Games 2011 – April 2011
They breed ‘em tough in the bush and there is no better way to find out than to go head to head in a bid for sporting supremacy. A fabulous mature aged multi sports festival the Cunnamulla Outback Masters Games brings together some of Australia’s finest mature aged athletes ready to battle out for “Gold”. The 2011 Cunnamulla Outback Masters will offer athletes eleven events over five days and supporters a friendly laid back atmosphere to relax, unwind and enjoy your surrounds.
Music in the Mulga Country Music Festival - 5th – 9th May 2011
Country and Country Rock Music Festival at its best in Queensland’s Outback. A five day program of festivities in a traditional outback setting at “Nardoo Station” a working sheep and cattle property. In 2011 there is a great lineup of entertainers including Simply Bushed, Col Finley, Rob Wilson, Nicki Gillis, Nellie Donovan, Bruce McCumstie, Bryen Willems, Natalie Foley, Adam Kilpatrick and Willie & Waylon Tribute. This is just a few of them. Rock on under the stars at an Outback event that you will remember for a lifetime! You can experience this event as part of an Out the Back Australia 6 Day Get Down & Dusty extended tour or simply attend.
Yowah Opal Festival
Held in the small mining town of Yowah the only place in the world where you can find a type of opal called a Yowah Nut, the festival celebrates the national gemstone the opal. The festival creates a great community atmosphere and is a great way to really learn about opal and mining. Enjoy great food and entertainment and meet the locals from the town of 100 people in summer to 400 people in winter! You can experience this event as part of an Out the Back Australia 6 Day Get Down & Dusty extended tour or simply attend.
Cunnamulla Fella Festival
The Cunnamulla Fella Festival is a fascinating event showing the true skills and culture of the Australian Outback. There are plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty and participate in the festivities or you can sit back with a beer in hand and enjoy. Great music, food and entertainment, a weekend not to be missed! You can experience this event as part of an Out the Back Australia 6 Day Get Down & Dusty extended tour or simply attend.
Wer wirklich etwas von dem Leben im Outback Australien erfahren möchte, dem kann ich die 9 Tages Backpacker Tour von Outtheback Australia nur ans Herz legen. Ich habe in den 9 Tagen rund um Cunnumulla so viel vom realen Leben im Outback mitbekommen, wie auf keiner anderen Tour bisher. Meine Tour war insofern etwas Besonderes, als sie die Weihnachtstour 2011 war. Peieta und Trevor haben mir gezeigt, wie der Alltag auf Schafsfarmen aussieht und wie die Scherer arbeiten. Dabei bestand immer die Möglichkeit zum Gespräch mit den Farmern. Überhaupt der Kontakt zu den Einheimischen und das Gespräch mit Ihnen wird auf der Tour groß geschrieben. Ein besonderes Erlebnis war es Weihnachten in Mitten einer australischen Familie zu feiern.