Yowah Gallery
A trip to Yowah is not complete unless you visit the Yowah Gallery where owners Trafford and Val Hughes will welcome you and show you there extensive range of opals mined at Yowah. Also oin display is a large selection of books, aboriginal art and local cards.
Further information:
Trafford and Val Hughes
7 Whitewood Drive Yowah, Queensland
Ph/Fax (07) 4655 4714.
Trafford Mobile: 0427 554 4714
Val Mobile: 0400 323 847
Caravan and Camping Sites Artesian Waters Caravan Park
Artesian Waters Caravan Park is a family owned and operated park with large camping areas. A feature of the park is the open air artesian bath houses where you can experience the goodness of the warm waters while gazing at the night stars all in the privacy of your own secluded area. There are large shady areas and lots of room to move. If staying in Yowah be sure to book a tour to really understand the area and to get the most from your time in the area.
Further information:
Artesian Waters Caravan Park
Ph: (07) 4655 4953
Restaurants Sweet "n" Short BK'S Restaurant
At Sweet "N" Short you will experience great outback hospitality and hearty food. Offering quality food for all occasions call in for morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner.
All catering requirements can be catered for small or large groups. Tour and bus or coach bookings welcome and local tours can also be arranged. Booking essential!
Further information:
Sweet "N" Shortt
7 Boobialla Street
Yowah, Queensland
Ph: (07) 4655 4793
Barb Mob: 0439 665 029
Scott Mob: 0438 746 980
Fuel and Gas
Fuel is not freely available to travellers in Yowah with limited supply it is available only to patrons of the Artesian Waters Caravan Park. There are no gas facilities in Yowah, Cunnamulla, Eulo or Wyandra so if you require gas you should fill up at neighbouring towns prior to travelling.
Wer wirklich etwas von dem Leben im Outback Australien erfahren möchte, dem kann ich die 9 Tages Backpacker Tour von Outtheback Australia nur ans Herz legen. Ich habe in den 9 Tagen rund um Cunnumulla so viel vom realen Leben im Outback mitbekommen, wie auf keiner anderen Tour bisher. Meine Tour war insofern etwas Besonderes, als sie die Weihnachtstour 2011 war. Peieta und Trevor haben mir gezeigt, wie der Alltag auf Schafsfarmen aussieht und wie die Scherer arbeiten. Dabei bestand immer die Möglichkeit zum Gespräch mit den Farmern. Überhaupt der Kontakt zu den Einheimischen und das Gespräch mit Ihnen wird auf der Tour groß geschrieben. Ein besonderes Erlebnis war es Weihnachten in Mitten einer australischen Familie zu feiern.